Use "émigré|émigrés" in a sentence

1. In 1792, Louis Antoine joined the émigré army of his cousin, the Prince of Condé.

2. In November 1791, France passed a law demanding that all noble émigrés return by January 1, 1792.

3. Michael Aronov as Anton Baklanov (seasons 2–4), an émigré Russian-Jewish scientist working on secret stealth technology.

4. The World Bank estimates that remittances worth approximately US$1 billion reach Somalia annually from émigrés working in the Gulf states, Europe and the United States.

5. His sister sent him passionate appeals for help, and he was pestered by the royalist émigrés, who were intriguing to bring about armed intervention in France.

6. On the advice of the well-known Caltech aerodynamicist and fellow Hungarian émigré Theodore von Kármán, Teller collaborated with his friend Hans Bethe in developing a theory of shock-wave propagation.